A beyond-beautiful Loloi area rug is a present you will all adore for literally years to come. The materials are top-notch, the craftsmanship is second to none, plus, pretty much all you have to do is roll that rug right out along with a quality pad.

Loloi features truly unique area rugs in part because of the partnerships they’ve forged with a whole host of very talented designers. For instance, they teamed up with HGTV star Joanna Gaines to create an exquisite line of Magnolia Home area rugs.

But Joanna Gaines area rugs are only the beginning. What follows is the introduction to you of four more fabulous artists who have created some of the very best area rugs money can buy. We’ll also take a look at what rooms in your home might make a great landing spot for your unforgettable Mother’s Day gift.

Kitchen area rugs that you and your family will eat right up.

The Rifle Paper Co. and creative director Anna Bond are celebrated for their hand painted illustrations and bright multicolored area rugs. Their Loloi area rugs work can also be described as “fun area rugs.”

Your family no doubt spends a ton of time in the kitchen. So the inclusion of a floral rug in there could definitely make your space feel cheerier and far more inviting.

You’re absolutely going to love these living room rugs.

You hope is that your living room is a spot where friends and family will want to linger. So adding in a option from the Loloi living room area rugs deftly designed by Angela Rose might be just what you need to create that welcoming feeling.

Known as a home renovator who favors optimistic designs, her cream colored rug shown here was woven from a combination of wool, cotton, and jute. Despite the popularity of these contemporary rugs, many of the offerings in the Angela Rose Loloi Collection are also surprisingly affordable rugs.

Modern rugs that always feel right at home in any room.

If you’re interested in vintage distressed rugs, then something from the Amber Lewis Loloi Collection might be just the ticket. And while you might want to utilize porcelain tile or ceramic tile in the primary bath, an exceptional new area rug on top of that will make your mom feel soft, warm, and special every single day.

Even better yet, the vintage area rugs in her Billie Loloi collection are considered to be one-of-a-kind. In fact, no two rugs are exactly alike. Because there’s up to a 30% variance in color.

Indoor outdoor rugs that look epic in the great outdoors.

Just about any room in your home can benefit from a splendid new area rug. But who says it has to be a room? Outdoor area rugs are right in the wheelhouse of Justina Blakeny who is known for her bright and bohemian style.

These oh-so-bold and beautiful outdoor patio rugs will immediately help you define that space. And since it’s outdoors, it’s only fitting that these bright colored area rugs are made from recycled materials as well.

Simply put, at Carpet Exchange we’re the best place to buy rugs. So whenever you’re ready to make your mom’s day, just stop by. We’ll be around.