Hardwood installation made easy. Hire a pro.
While some old TV commercials suggest that you can install ( a ) hardwood flooring yourself (in a cocktail dress no less!), this is a job that’s best left to a seasoned professional. But here are a few facts you might want to know about what to expect.

Move it and remove it. For starters, you’ll need to move all the furniture out of any rooms where you’re going to be adding hardwood. You will also need to remove any baseboards or molding in those rooms that extend to the floor. Or, for a modest additional fee, your installer can do that for you.
When it comes to the furniture, however, you will need to move any items that are in or on that furniture yourself. Like lamps, books and knick knacks.

Open the door to providing answers. You need to be there the day of the installation to let the installers in and to answer any questions they might have. And your family’s safety is of paramount importance to us. So make sure your kids and pets stay out of harm’s way.

A tiny bit of touch-up on the trim. Whether you removed the baseboards and molding yourself or had the installer do it, the process of taking them down and putting them back up might mean you have to do a teensy bit of touch-up painting here and there.
But you’ll be enjoying your beautiful new hardwood flooring while you do it. So it really won’t feel like work.